Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Elementary2 A2 Coursebook for communicative language competences "Rikai"

まるごと 日本のことばと文化 初級2 A2 りかい

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Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Elementary2 A2 Coursebook for communicative language competences "Rikai"

Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Elementary2 A2 Coursebook for communicative language competences "Rikai"

まるごと 日本のことばと文化 初級2 A2 りかい

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Author and Editor: The Japan Foundation / Writers: Hiromi Kijima, Tomoyo Shibahara, Naomi Hatta, Naoyuki Kitani, Makoto Netsu

SANSHUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd.
open book
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Release Date
Oct 20, 2014

Marugoto is a coursebook for adult learners of Japanese that is based on the JF Standard* for Japanese Language-Education. Learners at Elementary2 level (A2) can accurately express their own ideas and participate in an exchange of information within a range of familiar, everyday topics. Based on the philosophy of “Japanese for mutual understanding," each topic features people from a variety of cultural backgrounds interacting in Japanese. Hints about cross-cultural understanding, such as in dialog content, photos, and illustrations, can be found throughout the book. Marugoto also places importance on audio input for language learning, with many classroom activities for listening to natural conversation.


Elementary2 level (A2) is composed of two volumes, Katsudoo (Coursebook for communicative language activities) and Rikai (Coursebook for communicative language competences). In Katsudoo the aim is to develop practical communicative ability through listening to a variety of Japanese and through speaking practice. In Rikai you are able to systematically study the language system needed for communication. Both Katsudoo and Rikai can be main teaching materials, and the topics are the same. Depending on one's study goals, either book can be used independently, or both together to improve overall Japanese ability.


*JF Standard is based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). This CEFR scale makes the content of Marugoto easy to compare with other language resources.


Merits of Marugoto


Lush photos and illustrations to bring enjoyment to studying

Plenty of audio resources to connect language input with output

Portfolio system to manage your own learning progress


Recommended course length: 40 to 60 hours


Audio and other materials to be used together with Marugoto can be downloaded for free from website≫. Please note that you will be required to register on the publisher's Marugoto website.

Topic 1.  New Friends

Lesson 1.  That’s a good name

Lesson 2.  She is the person wearing glasses


Topic 2.  Eating Out

Lesson 3.  What do you recommend?

Lesson 4.  How do you eat this?


Topic 3.  Okinawa Trip

Lesson 5.  You’d better take a hat

Lesson 6.  You can watch a dolphin show


Topic 4.  Japan Festival

Lesson 7.  What do we do if it rains?

Lesson 8.  Has the concert started already?


Topic 5.  Special Days

Lesson 9.  What did you do during your New Year’s holidays?

Lesson 10.  Wishing for good things to happen


Test and Reflection 1


Topic 6.  Online Shopping

Lesson 11.  My vacuum cleaner has broken

Lesson 12.  This one is cheaper


Topic 7.  A Town Rich in History and Culture

Lesson 13.  This temple was built in the 14th century

Lesson 14.  I hear that this painting is very famous


Topic 8.  Life and Eco-friendly Activities

Lesson 15.  The light has been left on

Lesson 16.  I’ll sell it at the flea market


Topic 9.  People’s Lives

Lesson 17.  Do you know who this is?

Lesson 18.  What kind of child were you?


Test and Reflection 2

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